dear potential associate

Dear potential Associate Doctor,

You've worked so incredibly hard to get to the position you're at today.  Not many people understand the sacrifices and opportunity cost that your career has required of you.  When you're searching for a practice to join there's a level of apprehension that comes with the process.  This is mostly due to the lack of transparency and structure during the interview process and the employment onboarding.  We've made the entire process thorough and transparent, so you can focus on building your skills and income as a dentist.  

MiBöca Dentistry is committed to finding the most skilled and lovable practitioners. We need providers who are focused on high quality services that respect patient autonomy and biological principles.  Our interview process ensures that we are a great fit for each other, because at the end of the day our long-term success is directly correlated to your ability to serve our patients well. 

My name is Trino, and I'm on a mission to build the most premier office that is focused on comprehensive care for the entire family.  MiBöca's focus on finding the root-cause for patient's ailments has proven time and time again to be much needed.  We are currently a leader in our region for airway and biological dentistry and we've done this successfully without being in-network with dental insurance.  We encourage you to read through our 5-star Google reviews to learn about how we serve our patients. 

If you think we would be a great fit, please read the following FAQ's and apply for the position.  You'll be glad you did, and so will we!


What makes MiBöca Dentistry different?

MiBöca Dentistry endeavors for every person to LOVE going to the dentist.  It's simple. That's our why.  In order for us to accomplish this we must ensure a high quality environment that allows for our team to provide excellent service. 

We are not in-network providers with any dental insurance programs, however we do help our patients file claims on their behalf.  This ensures that our doctors immediately get paid at higher rates for services they provide. 

We have monthly meetings to discuss updates, celebrate accomplishments, and discuss matters to improve our office. 

We are a biological, integrative, and holistic practice, which simply means we do our best to use the most biocompatible materials and educate patients on how to prevent oral issues. 

We have advanced technology and procedures that elevates our care including but not limited to 3D CBCT, PRP/PRF, Ozone, and CO2 lasers. 

We understand that we need to focus on your growth and development because your success is our success. 

What is your mission?

We are a two location practice in Omaha, and will stay that way for a long time.  We are building a successful multiple doctor practice with opportunities to own within a specified period of time. Ownership is not a requirement. We have two beautiful buildings in different zip codes with 6 operatories in central Omaha and 14 operatories in Elkhorn, including a surgical suite. 

Who is the ideal candidate for this position?

The ideal person for this position is someone who has amazing bed-side manners, works well in a team environment, wants to continually grow and learn, values clinical autonomy, and loves to perform dentistry to help people.  Your experience is important, however we are willing to work with a recent graduate that is willing to receive mentorship. 

What is MiBöca's approach to treatment planning?

All of our new patients go through their new patient experience through our hygiene department. We provide a very thorough 2 hours new patient exam that includes an airway screening and comprehensive treatment plan.  The sequence of care also varies depending on the levels of urgency for each phase of treatment.  Our doctors are typically very conservative in their treatment planning, and will opt to monitor incipient lesions so we can teach our patients to remineralize these areas. You're given much clinical autonomy, and can decide with the patient through a co-diagnosis approach what the best treatment would be for the given situation. Our conservative approach builds amazing rapport with our patients, and it gives them the personal responsibility they crave to better their oral health. 

How is my pay calculated? How often do I get paid?

Associates are paid based on a percentage of their adjusted production. Adjusted production is defined as our usual fee minus any adjustments that were made to the patient account.  What are some examples of adjustments? If the patient decides to pre-pay with cash for a 5% discount, the 5% reduction is considered an adjustment.  By way of an example, if normal fees for treatment is $2,500 they would qualify for a pre-payment cash discount of 5%.  This 5% gets subtracted from the treatment total as follows: $2,500 - 125 = 2,375.  The adjusted amount of $2,375 would then be used to calculate your pay based on your percentage. If you were receiving 30% of your adjusted production, you'd calculate it this way: $2,375 X .30 = $712.50.  

We do not typically subtract lab costs or finance fees! That's right...its a simple calculation that you can easily audit.  Any adjustments are rare and tend to be brought to the attention of our billing staff by the provider. 

Your percentage pay on adjusted production is negotiable based on your experience and benefits package, and this can range from 28% to 35%. We want you to be compensated well for your work.

Here's the formula for a doctor receiving 30% of their adjusted production:
Gross Production - Fee Adjustments - Discounts = Adjusted Production X 30% = Total Pay*
*If you are a W2 employee we will take care of payroll taxes.   

You will get paid your base salary biweekly and monthly for your production over the base salary, which is calculated by the 10th of every month. 

Do I pay my own lab bill? Which labs can I use?

No. We pay for the lab bill. There are exceptions to this rule. If the provider makes a mistake resulting in an additional lab fee or for unapproved lab expenses these will be brought to the attention of the provider and appropriately managed. There will be a discussion on higher-end labs that are used, which may result in either passing on the costs to the patient or splitting the lab fee between the office and provider.  We have our usual lab relationships, however we do allow doctor autonomy when choosing labs with office approval and discussion of the fees.

Is there a daily guarantee? How does it work?

We believe in your success so much that we can offer a base guarantee salary for as long as you'd like.  We have no doubt that you will exceed the base salary.  If you're a newer doc we can offer a 12 month base salary guarantee option or we can design a more attractive 3 month salary guarantee.  You can decide when you're ready to come off of the base salary, however there will be no pressure to do so. 

The guarantee base salary is negotiable based on your experience and needs.  In the event that you do not exceed your base guarantee salary (which we don't anticipate) the shortage will be subtracted from future excess production. This ensures the practice is protected, and you can rest easy that you can have your minimum required pay.  

Do I get compensated for hygiene exams?

Yes, you will get compensated for hygiene exams. This includes comprehensive exams and periodic exams.  Platinum Plan members are entitled to two free cleanings and exams per year, so you will not get compensated for these quick exams. You will be compensated on any treatment that you prescribe and treat.  

Do I get compensated for radiographs?
Yes - You will be compensated for qualified radiographs.  Any radiographs taken by our hygienists will not be compensation for the dentist.  Radiographs taken by you or your dental assistant will be added as your production.  If you plan on prescribing 3D CBCT radiographs and expect compensation, you will be expected to read and write a radiology report for the image.  Any free radiographs are not production for the prescribing doctor including the radiographs promised to Platinum Plan members.

Will there be opportunity for eventual ownership?

Yes. We are open to designing a timeline and structure for ownership.  This can be discussed after 90 days.

How will my employment be structured? Will there be any full-time benefits?

You will likely be structured as a salaried W2 employee. We understand that some of you may be classified as an independent contractor and would like to receive 1099 compensation, however that will need to be discussed and terms agreed upon.  As an employee, you will receive benefits such as PTO, Holiday Pay, Vacation Pay, Bonus Compensation (above base salary), Paid IAOMT membership fees, Paid Licensure Fees, Paid DEA fees, CE allowance for approved CE, AFLAC customizable insurance policies, and we continue to assess and add more benefits as appropriate.  

How many days per week will I work?

Full-time will be considered 5 days per week for purposes of calculating your guarantee base salary, however you may choose a 4 day work week if you wish. 

Part-time will be considered 3 days or less per week. 

Some providers consider helping on our Saturdays.  We currently offer two Saturdays per month and alternate between the providers. 

Will I start seeing patients on the first day?

Yes - We have a period of time where you will be onboarding and learning our systems. We know it will take some time to gain confidence and can modify your schedule to accommodate your learning curve.  You will be in direct contact with Dr. Trino and the office manager to ensure you have sufficient time for each appointment.

Dr. Trino is committed to your success and will have treatment that has already been prescribed scheduled for you to start on the right path.
Will my schedule stay full?

All new patients will be scheduled with you, you will be available for emergency appointments, and lastly Dr. Trino will be encouraging patients to see you.  Your schedule will be our priority, and it should fill up 1 column fairly quickly.  The goal will be to expand your capacity to work 2 columns and perform hygiene checks.

After seeing the majority of new patients for a period of 1-3 months there is a direct correlation with how full your schedule becomes and your ability to perform the following:

1. Connect with your patient and explain a complex treatment plan in simple terms and broken down into phases of care. 
2. Ability to perform same day extractions, root canal therapy, ability to do quadrant dentistry, ability to treat pediatric patients.
3. Ensure the patient is placed on the schedule prior to leaving the office. Our staff will follow-up, offer financing, and improve overall treatment acceptance.
4. Perform care calls.  This one simple act will build your patient base and rapport very quickly.
5. Work with Dr. Trino on developing a niche for yourself.

Do I get an assistant to work with?

Yes - You will have at least one assistant, and many times we will have 2 or 3.  All of our assistants are highly trained to make your life easier so you can focus on the patient and production.  We have two assistants that are also phlebotomists. One assistant is certified, and looking to get his expanded functions.

Do scheduled procedures get removed from my schedule to fill the senior doctor's schedule?

Never. This is unethical behavior that will not be tolerated.  The opposite may be true. You may receive production on your schedule from the senior doctors that are willing to help and mentor you. 

What insurances will I be required to participate with? Do you take Medicaid? Do you have an in-house membership plan?

We are not in-network with any insurances.  We are a true Fee For Service practice, so you will be compensated well for your work. You will be asked to not participate in any insurances. We do not take Medicaid.

We have an amazing in-house membership plan that you will participate with.  It builds loyalty, trust, and increases our patient base by incentivizing families to drop their dental coverage.  The plan offers 2 free cleanings and periodic exams per year, 3 free emergency exams per year, and a percentage reduction on all of our fees.  Our doctors love the plan because they can increase patient acceptance with large treatment plans. 

The membership plan fees are mostly much higher than negotiated insurance allowable reimbursement.  For example, Metlife may pay $500 for a crown.  Our normal fee is $1600 for a crown, and the membership fee reduces it to $1,100.  You win with the membership plan, and the patient gets a high quality service using higher quality products.  

Is there someone that I can discuss cases with?  Will the more experienced dentists help me grow and perform more advanced procedures?

Absolutely! That's why we love the multiple doctor office structure. It encourages collaboration and mentorship. We have doctors that are very familiar with placing implants both titanium and zirconium-dioxide.  We can help with treatment planning complex restorative and full mouth rehabilitation cases. We've also developed a work-flow for all on X cases.  Our doctors can help with airway, tongue tie revision surgery, complex jaw surgery, and laser snore therapy.  You let us know what you're interested in, and we can help you plan, practice, and execute the care.

Does the office require me to take a certain amount or type of CE?  Is there a CE compensation package?
We require you to take the amount of CE necessary to keep your dental license active, however we highly encourage you to take additional CE to continue to elevate your care for patients. We will pay for all CE that we require you to take, and you have an opportunity to receive reimbursement up to a certain limit as long as its pre-approved and follows the philosophy of our office.  Currently we have no cap on the amount allowable for CE.  If there's a clear path for an ROI we will invest in your future.

What procedures will I be required to do? How will my progress be evaluated?
There are no quotas for any procedures. You just do what is right for the patient. You will only be required to perform general dental procedures and services. In the event that there is a procedure that you will not perform, please be transparent and we will schedule those patients with another provider.  Your progress will be evaluated on an ongoing basis via in-person consultations and we may recommend steps for you to take to continue your professional development.